Stock Gearing
Our new 530 Steel sprockets are the first to incorporate our new EST Technology.
Driven "Evo Spec" 530 Steel Sprockets
Evolution Specification Technology is the relentless pursuit to produce products that have been developed using only the latest high tech methods available and the force behind Driven Racing from day one. Our new EST Technology incorporates three of the most essential key elements that must be considered whilte developing new and existing products.
* Evolution
* Specification
* Technology
We have combined these three key elements and created a blueprint for designing, manufacturing, and developing new products. EST Technology guarantees that you the customer will always receive a product which was designed and manufactured using most current specs and technology available for years to come.
As motorcycles evolve, so does the way we create the parts that make up the soul of the bike itself. This philosophy is EST Technology.
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Driven 530 Lightened Steel Rear Sprocket for FZ6 04-09